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Gevolgde scholing en cursussen

2006 – 2011

  • School of Physical Therapy, Utrecht, The Netherlands


  • Medical Taping Concept, The Netherlands


  • Mulligan Concept A, B, C, The Netherlands

March 2016

  • 200hr Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training, Trimurti Goa, India

May 2016

  • Therapeutic Eye on Yoga Teacher Training by Doug Keller, Utrecht, The Netherlands

July 2016

  • Foundations and Principles of Vinyasa Krama by Hilary Brown, Utrecht, The Netherlands

May 2017

  • Essentials of Yoga Therapy, Yoga International (online)

June 2017

  • 300hr Yoga Teacher Training, 5 Elements Ayurveda & TCM, Trimurti Yoga, Dharamsala, India

Oct 2017

  • 200hr Yin Yoga Teacher Training, taught by Jo Phee and Joe Barnett, Ubud, Bali (Senior Assistants of Paul Grilley and Sarah Powers)

March 2018

  • Anatomy & Yoga Therapy Conference, Yoga International (online)

Sep 2018

  • Dry Needling, Level 1 and Level 2, with Gahl Sela, Hierden, The Netherlands

Sep/Oct 2018

  • Myofascial techniques, with Joeri Calsius, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Jan 2019

  • Anatomy Trains – Body Reading 101, 102, Meredith Stephens, Amsterdam

Feb 2019

  • Yin Yoga: A Functional Approach (online), Paul Grilley

March 2019

  • Anatomy Trains in Motion, with Karin Gurtner, Anatomy Trains school, Fremantle, Australia

  • Slings Essentials, with Karin Gurtner, Anatomy Trains school, Fremantle, Australia

  • Slings in Motion I, with Karin Gurtner, Anatomy Trains school, Fremantle, Australia

March 2019​

  • Qi Gong Teacher Training, Heaven & Earth, Peter Caughey, Ubud, Bali

June 2019

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration, Part I Intensive: Structural Essentials, with Julie Hammond, Julie Mower and Alexa Nehter, Anatomy Trains school, Fremantle, Australia

  • Arches & Legs

  • Fans of the Hip

  • Opening the Breath

  • Tensegrity Spine

  • Head, Neck & Jaw

Sep 2019

  • Slings in Motion II, with Muriel Morwitzer, Piacenza, Italy

  • Slings in Motion III, with Muriel Morwitzer, Piacenza, Italy

Jan 2020

  • Anatomy Trains Structural Integration, Part II: Structural Strategies, with Julie Hammond and Cristy Harper, Anatomy Trains school, Fremantle, Australia

Feb 2020

  • A Neurofascial Approach to Back Pain, met Michael Polon, Anatomy Trains school, Fremantle, Australia

  • Advanced Course on Freeing the Breath for Experienced Therapists, Unlocking the Lower Ribs, with Tom Myers, Anatomy Trains school, Fremantle, Australia

  • Foundations of Movement, with Tom Myers, Anatomy Trains school, Fremantle, Australia

  • Foundations of Movement for Movement & Manual Professionals, Tom Myers, Anatomy Trains school, Fremantle, Australia

  • Educator Training Anatomy Trains, for Educator Team Anatomy Trains Australia, with Tom Myers and Julie Hammond, Fremantle, Australia

March 2020

  • British Fascia Symposium (online): 5-day symposium with lectures from international speakers in the field of fascia and the latest research

Aug 2020

  • Scholarship for Dissection Livestream, A Regional and Layered Journey Through the Human Body, with Tom Myers and Todd Garcia

Sep 2020​

  • Australian Fascia Symposium (online): 3-day symposium with lectures from international speakers in the field of fascia and the latest research​

May 2020​

  • British Fascia Symposium (online): 5-day symposium with lectures from international speakers in the field of fascia and the latest research

May - Oct 2020

  • Online education for ATSI Part III, Anatomy Trains Structural Integration - The 12-series

April 2021​

  • Dissection Livestream, Deep Dive into the Joints, with Tom Myers and Todd Garcia

Nov - Dec 2021

  • Sharon Wheeler's ScarWork - Scarwork Therapist Certification - Restore Therapy, London


  • Walking Well: A Stepwise Approach to an Everyday Movement, Online Course with Jill Miller and Katy Bowman

  • Rolling Along the Anatomy Trains, Online Course with Tom Myers and Jill Miller​

​Sept 2022​

  • Roll Model Method Training, Online Course with Nancy Bellantoni, Yoga Tune Up​

Oct - Dec 2022

  • Anatomy Trains Structural Integration, Part III, with Don Thompson and Michael Watson, Anatomy Trains, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Jan 2023

  • Teacher Assistant role for Anatomy Trains Structural Integration, Structure & Function, with Don Thompson, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

May - June 2023

  • Explain Pain, NOI Group, Online​

June 2023

  • Understanding the importance of Rib 12 in Structural Integration, Don Thompson, Piacenza, Italy

Feb 2024​

  • Pain Reprocessing Therapy Certification Training

April - May 2024​

  • Central Sensitization in patients with persistent pain: From lab to clinic - Jo Nijs

May - June 2024​

  • Pijn- en Stressmanagement technieken - Drs. Peter van Burken

May - July 2024​

  • Pijn voor Fysiotherapeuten Grande - Arno Engers, PijnProfessionals


Scheduled education:

Sep - Dec 2024​

  • Nervous System Certification Course - Jessica Maguire 




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